Our K-5 Online program brings our vibrant classical, Catholic curriculum onto a digital platform without sacrificing truth, beauty, or goodness. It’s a true partnership between our highly qualified, faithful instructors and the incredible families we serve!
Students experience a balance of live, synchronous class time with asynchronous assignments and instruction. Screen time, class sizes, and technology is tracked with ability and age level to prepare students for middle and high school.
What's more, we continue to prioritize pen and paper, physical books, and assignments off-screen for a truly holistic education.
“I'm beyond grateful that we found Kolbe online - the teachers truly embody the Catholic faith, are kind, inspiring, and excel at motivating my kids to reach their potential.”
Are you considering making the switch to Kolbe Academy? Our enrollment process is simple and straightforward. Should you have any questions, book some time with one of our expert advisors.