Kolbe Academy Online Courses have helped prepare our son tremendously for college. I feel like this is a big reason why this transition of sending him off to college is not as overwhelming. Throughout high school, he has been accountable to his own teachers and their syllabi. He had to learn organizational skills and good communication skills early on so now he is confident with how he will interact with his college professors. Being a college student athlete, his schedule will be tight. However, he’s used to that because of his Kolbe Academy Online Courses and swim schedule.
“Theology of The Body for Teens” is another resource we use with our teenagers to help prepare them for college life. We watch the videos together and have discussions regarding each chapter. There is a student workbook that allows the student to work through questions/journaling exercises to help them to get to know themselves better. This time together is delicate and allows time for doors to be opened for conversations regarding what God has created them for. Being grounded in our faith and having confidence in our Creator is more important than ever since our world is so diverse and in such spiritual warfare.
Have we prepared him enough? It seems like he’s starting off on a good track. He has received both academic and athletic scholarships from his college. Also, he has been accepted into the Business Scholars Program which will give him lots of opportunities to grow in his studies. He has a lifetime to gain so much more knowledge and so many more experiences. As his journey continues, relying on God throughout his walk will be the “enough”…if he has the foundation of “God is enough,” then we, the parents, have prepared him well.