AMDG. In this special Christmas break episode of the Kolbecast, Bonnie, Steven, and Jordan gather for a catch-up over coffee. Jordan describes where he found inspiration for a new line of essays published in Prime Matters and gives listeners a preview of some of his future works in store. The group reflects on the question of what life and virtue were like before the incarnation compared to after, as well as how Kolbe invites students into the discussion of this central part of our history. They also discuss being known by saints, encountering their former selves’ writings along with the perspective that brings, and the changing of times from the ancient world to the current apostolic age.
Kolbecast episodes mentioned and relevant:
- 116 Things I Would Tell My Students
- 123 A Change of the Ages with Msgr. James Shea
Jordan’s articles in Prime Matters:
Other relevant links:
- From Christendom to Apostolic Mission by Msgr. James Shea and friends
- Jordan’s book When the Earth was Flat
- National Catholic Register’s review of the movie A Hidden Life
- Franz Reinisch - A Martyr of Our Time
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