Searching for Something We've Forgotten with Trae Bailey

AMDG.  We’re all searching for something we’ve forgotten.  Today’s guest describes his search for reintroduction to reality through both foundational texts and sense experiences.  Trae Bailey, currently Director of Residence Life at Belmont Abbey College and formerly Dean of Student Life at Magdalen College, highlights familial and societal dynamics that are important conduits for the fullness of reality, describes the importance of students taking on responsibility of their education, and emphasizes the importance of wonder.

Relevant Kolbecast episodes:

Hear more from Trae on The Classical Education Podcast and read his writing on Substack

Links mentioned and relevant:

  • Trae hosted a few episodes of Magdalen College’s From the Summit podcast, which is still available on podcast platforms.  
  • News article on the origins of the Integrated Humanities Program at the University of Kansas

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The Kolbecast

The Kolbecast