The Gift of a Mind: The Kolbecast Episode 158

AMDG.  Kolbe celebrated its class of 2023 in person in Atlanta, Georgia, on May 25, 2023.  During the celebrations, four individuals spoke: two graduating seniors, Ellen Foreman and Peter Prudlo; faculty member Dr. Carl Hasler; and keynote speaker, University of Dallas President Dr. Jonathan Sanford.  Today we bring you their speeches, recorded live during the event.  Ellen reflects on the importance of progress over awards and describe the concept of ikigai as the reason for being.  Peter describes the pursuit of knowledge in service to God, not ourselves, and includes special shout-outs to fellow students and teachers.  Dr. Hasler emphasizes that all of us are called to be saints and that thinking is the best way to travel.  And Dr. Sanford challenges graduates and other listeners to reflect on two questions--where have you been and where are you going—while highlighting five virtues to carry into the future: gratitude, docility, humility, magnanimity, and compassion.

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The Kolbecast

The Kolbecast